Tupton Hall School

Tupton Hall School is a popular 11-18 secondary school where every person matters. High expectations and the pursuit of achievement for all is at the heart of our work. Whilst on their journey through school we believe that no child should be left behind and therefore firmly value and invest in an achievement focussed and supportive ethos.

Our well-qualified leaders, teachers and support staff work together with students and parents to create a formidable team with one common goal - the best possible success for every child.

Being an academy within The Redhill Academy Trust will support ongoing improvement in the academic progress made by students. Providing opportunities for students to enhance their sporting, musical, creative and practical skills and talents is a strength of school life at Tupton Hall.

Our very successful Sixth Form currently delivers one of the widest selections of A Level courses in Derbyshire. Each year we welcome not only Tupton Hall students but also young people from neighbouring schools to the Sixth Form. This rich mix of aspirational and academically able students fosters a vibrant and exciting Post 16 learning environment. Many students progress onto universities with others accessing high quality apprenticeship opportunities and work place training providers.

Academy Information:

  • Headteacher: Andrew J Knowles
  • Executive Headteacher: Steve Bowhay
  • Regional Director: Richard Pierpoint
  • Address: Station New Road, Old Tupton, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S42 6LG
  • Phone: 01246 863127
  • Email: enquiries@tuptonhall.org.uk
  • Website: www.tuptonhall.org.uk
  • Joined Trust: 1st October 2019
  • Age Range: 11 - 18
  • Pupils on roll: 1556