Colonel Frank Seely Academy
In 2022 Ofsted inspectors rated Colonel Frank Seely 'Good' in all areas or provision. They observed a ‘respectful culture’ where students felt ‘safe and happy’, staff were ‘proud to work’ and ‘parents would recommend’.
Colonel Frank Seely Academy is an 11-18 academy that has high expectations and a relentless focus on ensuring all its students achieve their very best. In order to achieve our mission, we relentlessly focus on three key drivers:
Inspire – Create the desire to get better and better at something that matters:
We ensure all learning is engaging, we raise the aspirations of all and cultivate effective, autonomous leaders and role models at every level of the organisation.
Challenge – Create a disciplined and joyful school culture:
We ensure learning is rigorous, stretches all abilities and is underpinned by meaningful feedback. We develop resilient, confident and independent learners.
Succeed – Students will achieve excellent progress, become lifelong learners and establish a strong reputation for Colonel Frank Seely Academy.
We expect the very best from each other every minute of every day, because we believe that every one of us can succeed and be the best versions of ourselves. This is reflected in our challenging curriculum: we read ambitious books every day; we put interventions in place for every student who requires a boost and we provide access to complex and demanding knowledge concepts so that every student leaves us with results they can be very proud of and that set them up to succeed in the next stage of their education.
Every year there is an extensive range of opportunities for students to develop their ambitions to be their very best. Students can take in a range of activities from additional Stretch Lectures, drama and musical performances to a wide variety of sports teams. Being ambitious for their futures, students are willing and ready to learn and make an impact on their education.
All of the opportunities and activities on offer at Colonel Frank Seely Academy give students the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge outside of the traditional curriculum whilst developing their own individual character traits.
A successful careers programme, including one-to-one careers advice, throughout KS3, KS4 and KS5 has helped to shape students’ character and their ambitious aims.
We have many opportunities for you to visit during the year and you are welcome to contact us at any time and arrange a visit.
Academy Information
- Headteacher: Jon Gale
- Regional Director: Tim Croft
- Address: Colonel Frank Seely Academy, Flatts Lane, Calverton, Notts, NG14 6JZ
- Telephone: 0115 9652495
- Email:
- Website:
- Joined Trust: 1st October 2017
- Age Range: 11 - 18
- Pupils on roll: 762