Developing Teaching
Year 6 Forum
The Year 6 Forum is designed to support Year 6 teachers throughout the academic year. The sessions will be facilitated by Lauren Willson and Sue Charlesworth (Carlton Junior Academy) along with guest presenters providing specialist input in specific areas. The forum will offer a valuable opportunity to be part of a mutually supportive group and to network at key points during the year.
Redhill Teaching Hub
The following events/programmes are delivered by Redhill Teaching Hub during the 2023/24 academic year.
- MFL Conference 2023
- Move On Up - Developing Great Teachers
- Dynamic 6th Form Teaching
- Quality First Teaching for SEND
- Secondary Literacy
- Equity, Diversity & Inclusion for all schools
Further details can be found on the Redhill Hub website:
Discounts are available for RCLD Member Schools. To book onto any of these programmes, please contact the Hub team at or 07831 324 490.
National College
The National college offer a broad range of online training and CPD to support teaching staff, please refer to your headteacher or school business manager if you do not have a login.