Students tell Ofsted inspectors their school is: 'A great community in which to learn and feel safe'.

Students and staff are celebrating at Hall Park Academy after Ofsted delivered an overwhelmingly positive inspection report and rated the secondary school ‘Good’.

Following a two-day visit at the school, in Eastwood, Nottingham, the inspection team rated all areas of education ‘good’, noting ‘significant cultural change’. The report states: “The school has changed for the better since the previous inspection.”

They observed a school environment where teachers have high expectations, students’ behaviour is good, and staff are proud to work. The report reads: “One student spoke for many when they said, ‘This school has really improved, it’s a great community in which to learn and feel safe’.”

Inspectors visited lessons, looked at students’ work and spoke to a wide range of stakeholders including students, parents, teachers, leaders and governors. Their resulting report says: “Lessons are calm and purposeful. Routines are well-understood.” It continues: “Students show pride in their work and their school. They value their teachers.”

Students show pride in their work and their school. They value their teachers.

Hall Park Academy is part of Redhill Academy Trust, a successful multi-academy trust now comprising 16 academies across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. In their report, Ofsted recognised the wide-ranging support provided to Hall Park Academy by the Trust.

Headteacher, David Crossley, said: “We are delighted that the inspectors recognised the significant progress that the school has made in recent years. This is testament to the hard work of students and staff and to the support of parents and carers.

Andrew Burns, Chief Executive of Redhill Academy Trust, commented: “I’d like to congratulate all the staff and students at Hall Park on their well-deserved, excellent Ofsted report. The academy provides great opportunities for all its students and is a real asset to the local community.”

Inspectors saw that attendance had improved at the school, pointing out that it was now managed ‘extraordinarily well’ resulting in good attendance. They added: “Students do not want to miss the good quality of education and care that the school offers.”

Students were also observed to appreciate the ‘many opportunities’ they receive outside of the normal school day. For example, breakfast club and numerous clubs, trips and activities that run daily. Inspectors said: “Students are enthusiastic about the difference these opportunities make to them. They said that the different experiences ‘test you and make you realise just how far you can go’.”

Students do not want to miss the good quality of education and care that the school offers.

Support offered by staff to students attracted specific praise, a well as the PSHE curriculum which ensures Hall Park students know how to keep safe and healthy. The report reads: “Students receive incredibly caring pastoral support. Teachers know them well.” This was particularly evident in the sixth form where students ‘learn how to be responsible, respectful and active citizens.’ The report adds: “They are terrific role models for others in the school.”

On teaching, Ofsted said Hall Park had ‘skilled and knowledgeable subject leaders’ and ‘many subject specialists’, with teachers benefitting from high-quality professional development and support from the Trust. The report added: “Teaching in the sixth form is expert.” They also said the curriculum in most subjects was ‘ambitious for all students, including students with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)’.

The team were especially impressed with the way reading was embedded in the curriculum. Their report explains: “The school promotes the love of reading. Students receive regular opportunities for extended reading. They are engaged in a range of interesting activities that develop their appreciation of authors and of books. The teaching of reading extends across the curriculum.”

Finally, staff satisfaction was observed as being high. “Staff are proud to work at Hall Park,” the report reads. “They feel well supported by leaders. They said that leaders do all that is possible to consult with them and to protect their work life balance. Trust support has had significant impact.”

Listed below are further comments made by inspectors following the recent Ofsted inspection:

  • Students believe that bullying is rare. There are many staff that they will turn to if they have concerns or worries. Student support is strong. The student anti-bullying ambassadors are keen to share their experience and help others. They are rightly proud of this role. They are a real credit to the school.

  • Many [subject leaders] are having a significantly positive impact on the quality of students’ education. In English for example, the curriculum is highly ambitious. Students’ knowledge is carefully built over time. Students are developing more complex knowledge and skills.

  • Students study the full range of national curriculum subjects to the appropriate depth. […] In geography and psychology for example, planning is meticulous. This ensures that students gain comprehensive insights, knowledge and understanding. Students enthuse about their learning in these subjects.

  • Teachers access high quality subject support from the trust. The trust’s ‘teaching fundamentals’ have been implemented. Lessons have a common structure that students understand and appreciate.

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